Documenting Love for All Time

Now this is a love story near and dear to my heart.
Photographing isn’t just about likes, traveling, and all that other junk that sometimes people can get lost in.
It is about the beautiful story of love that we are sometimes so so blessed to have.
And this sweet love story, took me to Eastern Washington to photograph my grandparents.

My grandfather was diagnosed with Parkinson’s a few years back, and when I told them I wanted to photograph them, they kind of giggled and were surprised that they would be the people I was looking for.
To me, there is no one better.
69 years of love and counting
We went with photographing them around their home, as long distances can be tiresome, and legs aren’t what they used to be.
In reality, it ended up being the perfect place because of all the details and memories wrapped in their home.
take for instance, Grandma's watch
This might look like your average jewelry set up, the handmade pin cushion and watch, but these are a lifetime of memories.
I remember playing in my grandmother’s jewelry. Wearing her necklaces, asking her to tell me the story of each one, and the countless time I have seen that watch worn through the years.

Two birds of a feather-- a Chicken and an Eagle.
Not to actually call either my Grandpa or Grandma a chicken, but oddly enough they both always had a liking or at least trinkets of each bird.
For as long as I can remember, family always gifted my Grandma chickens, which I just thought was because she liked them. I still remember asking her one day why she did, and she admitted to me that she really didn’t love them that much, but it looked good in the kitchen and people kept giving them to her.
My Grandpa, on the other hand, was all about eagles. I remember his pictures of eagles, books, and even doing an eagle puzzle with him. When at first they were pulling out shirts for Grandpa to wear, I was trying to convince them that a plain white shirt would be nice. But Grandma felt this one was nicer, and looking back it is actually absolutely perfect. Because Grandpa, is definitely an eagle.

Photographing them was more like me hanging out with them, and chatting about stories.
The last time I visited, Grandpa told me about how he first met Grandma and fell in love at first site.
It was at their church dance on Valentines day, he saw her and he said that was it. He knew she was the girl.
Grandma had a different perspective, as she had intent to attend the dance with someone else ( who didn’t show) and then this new boy just sat across her and just stared at her and didn’t say a word.
Apparently meeting the love of your life is a little unnerving to say the least.
The next day he took the bus to the field where she had PE and was playing softball. She said she hit a home run but saw him in the bleachers and was too nervous that she would get tagged out before she made it so she stayed at third.

What we do for Love
Their wedding was small, and held in my Grandma’s parent’s living room.
But they don’t regret that it was nothing more than that.

The Importance of the Photograph
I think sometimes, people get married, and then take photographs of their kids. Not that our children are less special, but I think that the couple is just as much so, and sometimes that is forgotten.
I actually photograph my parents a good amount as well, because although we are all insecure about our aging, or wrinkles, our changing bodies, and hair, it is in all this that life and love is really told.
When I look at these photographs of my grandparents my heart is so amazingly full, because I had the absolute honor of capturing such a love story and two incredible human beings. And most of all, the huge honor of being their granddaughter.
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